Onion and Garlic
Most common bulb onions have 10-12% dry matter. Shallots have a very high dry matter content - between 16 and 35% - compared to 7-15% for onions. Onions grown for dehydration require higher dry matters of 17-20%. They are usually made from white-fleshed onions, but chives and leeks can also be processed in such a manner. Nitrogen and potassium are the most important nutrients to influence dry matter content of onion bulbs.
Trials confirm that a balance between nitrate and ammonium-N is most effective at promoting onion leaf and bulb growth. However, during later stages of growth, nitrate forms provide higher dry matters in the bulb.
Potassium is particularly important where high N rates have been applied (if high yielding systems). In these situations, increasing dry matter and sugar accumulation in the bulb helps maintain yield.
Asia and Oceania