Interveinal chlorosis starts on the older leaves, which spreads inward from the leaf margins. The interveinal areas are curled upwards.
In water culture, symptoms may also start on the younger leaves.
Magnesium deficiency on the leaf.
Manganese deficiency symptoms are similar to those of Magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency causes symptoms on older leaves first. They show yellow/orange discoloration on the leaf margins and interveinal yellowing. At prolonged deficiency yellow zones become necrotic, but veins still remain green.
Furthermore the interveinal zones curl up.
Growth is only slightly restricted when deficiency is moderate, but with severe deficiency growth is considerably inhibited.
Severe magnesium deficiency (right) compared to optimum supply (left)
Manganese deficiency symptoms are similar to those of Mg deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency causes symptoms on older leaves first. They show yellow/orange discoloration on the leaf margins and interveinal yellowing.
Furthermore the interveinal zones curl up.
At prolonged deficiency yellow zones become necrotic, but veins still remain green.
Growth is only slightly restricted when deficiency is moderate, but with severe deficiency growth it is severely inhibited.
With magnesium deficiency roots are long and only a few secondary roots are found.
Magnesium deficiency on leaves and roots
With magnesium deficiency roots are long, partly brownish in color and only few secondary roots are found.
Magnesium deficiency on roots
Magnesium deficiency causes symptoms on older leaves first. They show yellow/orange discoloration on the leaf margins and interveinal yellowing. At prolonged deficiency yellow zones become necrotic, but veins still remain green.
Furthermore the interveinal zones curl up.
Growth is only slightly restricted when deficiency is moderate, but with severe deficiency growth it is severely inhibited.
Magnesium deficiency
Also manganese deficiency shows yellowish zones between the veins, but the color is more greenish-yellow and not orange-yellow as with magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency causes symptoms on older leaves first. They show yellow/orange discoloration on the leaf margins and interveinal yellowing.
At prolonged deficiency yellow zones become necrotic, but veins still remain green.
Furthermore the interveinal zones curl up.
Growth is only slightly restricted when deficiency is moderate, but with severe deficiency growth is considerably inhibited.
Magnesium deficiency
Lettuce (field grown): 2-4 l/ha 2 weeks after transplanting. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Note: Final application to be made at least one month before harvest. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
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